This was written on 31st December 2018
The Feminine – A cry from the heart
As I sit on the cusp of another year – as each and everyone of us on this planet does at this time of year. I invite you to consider that Now is the time for re-consecration, re-dedication and re-evaluation.
I’ve known for a long time that if there is to be any salvation to the crazy course our ailing civilization is set on, then it involves a radical re-appraisal, re-assessment and revolution (evolution): Fully honouring the Feminine. Enabling finally, the feminine to be held venerated and central to the core and not at the periphery.
How can it be that multitudes of women around this Mother Earth we share, are coerced and raped. This is not an exaggeration; so many women are abused and violated without recourse, let alone true justice, retribution, recognition and respect. Domestic violence, which is predominately male abuse of women – be it physical or mental – is rife. A sign of Devastating Dis-ease if ever there was. It is of epidemic proportions and growing. A cry for help. A huge shadow exploding in resonance with the abuse which we as a species are inflicting on this earth.
So: – A cry from the heart.
There is no merit in seeking to try to alter the political without first underpinning it with a sound spiritual base. The time of The Mother is here. Albeit the possibly dying Mother. She must be honoured. She must be respected.
Sacred Earth – Holy Earth – Living Being
We foul each other as we foul you
We abuse you as we abuse each other.
The macrocosm reflects the microcosm
As within so without
As without so within.
It is time for Parliament to be conducted in consenseus – And in circle rather than with aggressive cohorts of (mostly men) facing down each other as adversaries rather than as fellow members of this land, working in harmony to deliver what is for the greater good. Instead of a symbolic mace at the centre of Parliament signifying the authority of the Queen, it is time for a symbolic seat or throne of the Goddess to be positioned centre stage, with all debate and energy pledged to taking care of her sacred needs reflected in the wellbeing of this planet – our true Sovereign. Let Holly, Ivy, Oak and Feather adorn and decorate this throne – reminding us always of where our true focus should lie – an altar to alter a broken perspective.
Time to kick the userers out of the temple: The corporates, the multi nationals, the faceless profit taking money launderers who lobby, blackmail and bribe the so called representatives of our nation. Time to reclaim the sacred for the people and, through heartful action, restore harmony and health to the land.
Let us start at the heart of the problem. Women must be re-honoured, re-respected, re-membered and re-turned to the centre of our ethical and moral core.
This is the crux of the problem now facing our species and our place upon the earth. To recognise and restore the Divine Feminine to her essential soul centred plinth within the temple.
JJ Middleway