Sovereign Earth 17 – Blessings
Blessings of this day
“Each day dawns but once without return”
This is of itself a huge and constant blessing
A Polish proverb says it is more difficult to fully live a day than it is to write a book.
- There are 84,600 seconds in a day- How many of them have I used to give blessings or to express gratitude for the privilege of being alive?
Remind ourselves of the blessing contained in each day by the wonder of the gift – Dei – Deity – Divinity – Divine – Day
Here’s a simple song I wrote to greet and celebrate each day. Its really interesting how this simple act of singing it, along with a simple ‘wake up’ action, can make such difference to a day. Accepting and connecting with the blessings of the day seems to make them so much more tangible and present; so much more wholesome and real.
Blessings on this day
Blessings on this day
Let my heart rise up in flight and
Meet it on the way
Blessings on the night
Blessings of this night
Let my heart now rest in peace and
Let my soul take flight
“I arise today Blessed by all things, Wings of breath, Delight of eyes, Wonder of whisper, Intimacy of touch, Eternity of soul, Urgency of thought, Miracle of health, Embrace of God. May I live this day Compassionate of heart, Clear in word, Gracious in awareness, Courageous in thought, Generous in love.”
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings
Blessing: 1. A thing conducive to happiness or welfare
2.A short prayer said before or after a meal; grace.
3. Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.
4. Approbation; approval: This plan has my blessing.
The modern English language term bless likely derives from the 1225 term blessen, which developed from the old English blaedsian (preserved in the Northumbrian dialect around 950 AD).
The term also appears in other forms e.g. blētsian from around 725 and blesian from around 1000, all meaning ‘to make sacred or holy’ by a sacrificial custom in the Anglo Saxon Pagan period – to mark with blood. Due to this, the term is related to the term blōd, meaning ‘blood’ References to this practice, ‘Blót’, are referenced in Icelandic sources.
“I arise today Blessed by all things, Wings of breath, Delight of eyes, Wonder of whisper, Intimacy of touch, Eternity of soul, Urgency of thought, Miracle of health, Embrace of God. May I live this day Compassionate of heart, Clear in word, Gracious in awareness, Courageous in thought, Generous in love.”
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings
” Deep peace of the flowing wave to you
Deep Peace of the Quiet air
Deep Peace of the flaming sun to you
Deep peace of the healing earth
Deep Peace Deep Peace
May Peace fill your heart x2″
Magic is the art and science of effecting a change in consciousness by the application of Will.
By speaking a blessing we give it life and bring it into manifestation in the world
So, in the knowledge and trust that these are good words for your wellbeing, as I speak these words allow them to permeate your being and fully bless your soul
“May the strength of the wind and the light of the sun
The softness of the rain and the mystery of the moon
Reach you and fill you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you
May wonder fulfil you and love surround you
May your step be steady and your arm be strong
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true
May you seek to Learn
May you learn to Live
May you live to Love
And may you Love and be Loved always”
Those are words I often offer at baby naming ceremonies – to kind of give a kickstart to a young one’s life.
I believe these things are real and that by speaking a blessing with the right intent behind it and with a fully open heart, that it creates change in the world. We all need blessings – we all need positive strokes – because energetically it makes huge difference to our well being and health.
Here are some more words that I have written and refined over the years that I offer at the point of Naming for a child. However these words are just as applicable and just as beneficial to each of us. So as I speak them , allow yourself to receive them as if you were a young and open and healthily vulnerable child.
May your name bless you as you bless your name
May it act as a protective and magical familiar
Embodying power and potency
As you make your way in life
May it anchor you forever in the present
By reminding you always of your
Ancestral links with your past
And so may it give you the confidence and inner power
To fulfill your future destiny.
May your name sing as long as these brave trees
May your life echo on in the stars
May our love give you hope as you travel alone
And may our prayers hold your hands as you fly
We are each of us ‘holding hands as we fly’ when we give each other a blessing
In speaking this blessing to the newborns, we are all touched and all blessed
“When each child is born, a morning star rises,
And sings to the universe who we are. X2
We are Grandmother’s prayers;
We are Grandfather’s dreaming;
We are the breath of our Ancestors,
Spirit of life, Spirit of Love”
Blessings are ever present, waiting to be called in at any time.
There are many ways to give and receive blessings – an almost infinite number of ways.
“May you be blessed with
The simplest of touches
The softest of songs
the purest of hearts
And soul that belongs” JJ
Scottish Blessing
May those who love us, love us
And those who don’t love us
May God turn their hearts
And if he doesn’t turn their hearts
May he turn their ankles
That we may know them by their limping.
Blessing of rings at a wedding or handfasting
“Let these rings be blessed with
Air for hope and dreams
Fire for the spark of love
Water for harmony and healing
And earth for strength” JJ
Fire lighting blessing
Blessed this fire, Blessed this flame
Blessed this Hearth that we kindle again
Blessings before meals:
Blessings on this meal – on the innumerable beings who have given of themselves that we may partake of this food – ingesting of their life energy that we may sustain our own.
Here’s a version of a food blessing which was gifted to me by my dear friend Ratnadeva, a Buddhist monk with his roots firmly planted in the earth of Druidry:
“Receiving this food, I acknowledge and celebrate the fruitfulness of the earth and the work of human hands that have brought this to me. What I receive, may I give back in generous measure.
Eating this food, I acknowledge and celebrate my unity with my fellow human beings, with Gaia and the Cosmos”
“Blessed am I by Trees of Beauty
Blessed am I by skies of blue
Blessed am I by all around me
By this land and by you
By this land and by you
Every plant that grows to feed me
Feed my mouth and feed my eyes
Every grain of sand every creature
And my kin by my side
And my kin by my side”
Short guided visualisation/ meditation on the blessings of the cycles of the seasons in an apple grove
One by one the leaves
‘Follow a Rainbow Trail – Follow a trail of Song
And all about you will be Beauty
There is path out of every dark mist
Over a Rainbow trail’. Navajo Song
“The words you speak create the home you live in” – Hafiz 13th century
How much more beautiful to live a life full of blessings – giving and receiving them graciously and fully – rather than denying them or letting them pass by unnoticed.